Wednesday 24 October 2012

Seeking photos of 19 Squadron, 46 Squadron, 65 Squadron, 151 Squadron and 238 Squadron pre and during Battle of Britain

Aviation fans and Battle of Britain friends: can you help?
My publisher is giving me the almost untold luxury these days of allowing me all the photos I want in Australian Eagles. And so, I have sent him a wonderful photographic file with lots and lots of exciting images. But sadly, very few of them are of relevant aircraft. My photo sources have largely been the family photo albums, including snaps taken by ‘my’ pilots but, the busier they got, the less time they had to take photos. And of course, many taken did not make it back to Australia.

But I am confident that lots of other photos exist, from their squadron friends and crown copyrighted (which conveniently expired after 70 years) Air Ministry photographers. Perhaps they are in your collections!

And so, I would appreciate it if you could have a flick through your albums, or scroll through your digital photo archive to see if you have any of these photos:

238 Squadron Hurricanes: May 1940–August 1940 (before they transferred to St Eval) (I won’t even dream of a 238 Spit!)

65 Squadron Gladiators or Hurricanes: 19 December 1937–15 May 1940.

46 Squadron Hurricane from September 1940 (or at least just before September)

19 Squadron Gauntlets or Spitfires (preferably the latter): Sept 1937–11 November 1939 or Spitfires in the period 27 June 1940–31 August 1940.

151 Squadron Guantlet January 1938–December 1938 or Hurricane December 1938–15 May 1940, before they went to France.

Pre or war codes, on the ground or in the air, one or many, it does not matter. As long as there is at least one complete aircraft in the image.
Funds are limited but I can offer in exchange: appropriate photo credit and inclusion in the acknowledgements of Australian Eagles, a complementary copy (signed by moi), undying gratitude, and the hope that I might be able to return a favour sometime in the future.

So, start flipping and scrolling. I have my fingers crossed that someone will be able to help.

And here’s one I do have: Stuart Walch and the nose and prop of his 151 Squadron Hurricane.



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