Monday 25 February 2013

James Coward

The obituary of James Coward that Mark Lax and I wrote last year has been reprinted in the 2013 edition of The Old Johnian, the magazine of St John's Leatherhead, his old school.
An expanded version of James's story will appear in Australian Eagles. (I know, he was born in the UK but he lived in Australia for over 40 years and so I count him as an adopted Australian.) Here is an extract, along with one of the photos from the book: 
James Coward’s love affair with flying lasted his entire life. He officially took off his wings in the 1960s but that did not ground him forever. In April 2006, the 90-year-old was invited to speak at the Northern Rivers Aero Club at Lismore. Afterwards, he told Bill Kiernan, the club’s chief flying instructor, about the last time he had flown. Bill asked James if he would like to fly again. Oh yes! There was no stopping James. Bill took him to the club’s two-seater aerobatic trainer and the two ‘hopped in’. Bill started up and James familiarised himself with the controls. Bill then said, ‘your aircraft, Air Commodore’ and James took off. He flew around, getting a feel of the aircraft and flying conditions. Then, when he had attained a comfortable height, he put the aircraft through its aerobatic paces, including a series of barrel rolls. Rather than land the aircraft himself, he handed the controls back to Bill. As they climbed out, Bill was not sure whose grin was the biggest, his or James’s.
Bill Kiernan and James Coward, April 2006.


Saturday 23 February 2013

Australian Eagles is at the printers.

Good news! I have just heard from Ian at Barrallier Books. He has checked the final print proof of Australian Eagles.

All changes are in and the whole file will go back to the printer today. And then the print button will be pressed and before we know it, 500 beautiful limited edition copies will be landing on the doorstep for me to sign.

Better start my wrist strengthening excercises. We are all set for a July release!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Update on Australian Eagles and Australia's Few

So, what’s been happening lately in Kristen Alexander ‘land’?


The booksellers’ release sheet for Australian Eagles is finished and will be at the printer’s shortly. I have the printer’s proof of the book and have started reading through it in case any gremlins found their way onto the pages. The first review copies have gone out and pre-orders for the limited edition (July publication) are looking very good.  
If that wasn’t enough excitement, I have reached the half way point of Australia’s Few and have signed up with an agent. (I can’t tell you have satisfying it is to my ego to know that I am on an agent’s ‘list’.) She has put the hard word on me and I have until the end of the month to finish another chapter and she will then start ‘selling’ the manuscript to publishers. Fingers crossed. While all that is happening, I am committed to finishing the draft by September. More hard work!

I spoke to my website designer yesterday and development is going well. We are tentatively looking at April for a launch. It is looking wonderful, even if I say so myself.
Lots of other things are bubbling along: chats with the architect, another booklist for Alexander Fax Booksellers, Miss Millie’s latest antics and of course, the big plans for next week’s half century festivities. I thought of starting the pre-birthday diet this week but too many scones, not enough time.

Cataloguing all these exciting things is way exhausting first thing in the morning. I think it is time for a pot of Darjeeling (in fine Shelley china) and a nice lie down. Oh, hang on. Proof pages to read! Have a great day in your ‘land’.